11 Top Christmas Traditions in the World

Witches give Christmas gifts, throw shoes, parade skulls … are the Christmas characteristics of many countries. Ninrio introduces you the 11 top Christmas Traditions in the world

1. Parade the horse skull

In South Wales, there is a custom called Mari Lwyd. A resident of the town is marching with a horse skull throughout the streets of Christmas Eve. Hence, the head of the horse skull is covered with a white cloth.
People here believe that action will bring good luck and help the harvest.

parade skull

2. Krampus half-human monster

The monster of a half-human and half-goat named Krampus is a symbol of Southern Germany and Austria. On Christmas Eve, Krampus will wear a large basket and catch a child and take them to the underworld. The Krampus monster festival is named Krampuslauf. It is held in many cities. During the festival, men dressed as Krampus, holding torches running along the streets.

half-human and half-goat monster

3. Tradition of broom hiding

The people of Norway believe that witches and ghosts riding on brooms will appear on Christmas Eve. Therefore, they will hide the brooms and the witches and demons won’t steal them.
Even Norwegian people also burn pine wood in the fireplace to prevent witches from entering the chimney.

broom hiding

4. Using straw goat to decorate Christmas Traditions:

Swedish use the giant straw goat to decorate Christmas season. His name is Gavle, high up to 13m. And he is located in Gavle Catle square and becomes an indispensable part of Swedish Christmas.

straw goat

5. Spider is considered an animal can bring luck.

In Ukraine, people decorate Christmas tree by spider and spiderweb to wish luck. This tradition originates from an old story about a poor widow family. She with her children find a pine, but they have not enough money to buy decorations.
After that, they bring that Christmas tree to their house. Tomorrow, spiderweb cover around the tree. When her child open the window, all spriderweb turns into gold and silver
Since then, Ukraine people have followed the tradition that decorated spiderweb on the pine.


6. Throw a shoe:

This tradition take places at Crech Republic. Single girls throw her shoe over her shoulder towards the entrance. If the shoes fall with the toe facing the door, she would get married next year. In case the toe facing her house, it means she continues to be alone for the next year

throw a shoe

7. Old man Yule replace Santa:

In Iceland, 13 old man Yule with 13 different characteristics replace Santa Claus. They are in return to visit children on 13 days before Christmas. Also, chirldren in Iceland places a shoe on their bedroom window every evening during 13 days.
They will get many candies or presents from Yule if they are obedient. If they are not good, they will get scared things like rotten potatoes.

Yule old man

8. The Witches replaces Santa give children presents.

It is a true thing replace in Italia. Because the resident here believe that there are kind and friend witches. They will be Santa Clause give chirdren gift on Christmas Eve. The most friendly witches is Befana. She will replace Santa Clause bring toys and candies to obedient children.
In some part of Italia, people believe that St.Lucia will replace Santa Claus to present gifts to children every Christmas.

Replace Santa by the Witches

9. Burn the devil:

There is a tradition that Guatemala people do on Christmas season – Burn the devil. They clean and tidy up their house on December. Also, the litter from household, even from the whole city are piled up. At the end, they place a devil statue on the top of the trash pile and start to burn.
Guatemala believe that the bad things will be fired with devil

Burn the Devil

10. Color black on the face and parade.

In Netherland, people organize a special parade for man who color black his face. For them, these are people who gone through the chimney to escort Santa to deliver presents.

Color face black


11. Decorate Noel banana tree

This special tradition come from India. Although there is just 2,3% residents following Catholicism, Christmas is still an important tradition.
Indian also organizes and present give to each other like many countries in the world. However, they replace pine tree by banana tree or mango tree to decorate on Christmas.
Noel banana tree is also lighted up and splendidly decorated. It is placed in house and displayed throughout the street. Even, they use banana leaves to decorate their house because the thought they will bring luckiness.

Christmas banana tree

Above are 11 top Christmas Traditions from many countries from around the world. Please refer to other information related to Christmas day on Ninrio.com

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