For westerner, gingerbread is indispensable in Christmas. Let’s find the secret information about this cake with Ninrio.
1. What is gingerbread?
For western countries, gingerbread is an indispensable part in Christmas.
It is a kind of cookie. It has a special flavor of ginger and some other flavors like sugar, honey and cloves…Then, people ground all these flavors in powder form and then put them into cakes.
It is soft, fluffy and the most common is hard with crispy and deliciously ginger biscuit.
In centery VIII, the first bread with ginger is appeared. The main material is a piece of bread boiled into honey and ginger. After that, people replace honey by sugar.
In 992, Armenia monk living in Nicopolis ( now is Greece) brings it to Europe. He left Nicopolis to live in Bondaroy, near the French Pithiviers town. He stayed there for 7 years and taught French Christian how to make this cake.
About century 13, German immigrants brought it to Switzerland. In century 15, the gingercake with different shapes became common in Germany. In centery 17, the gingerbread business began appearing. And in century 18, it is common in many nations.

2. The funny story about Christmas gingerbread:
The crispy gingerbread help the Christmas atmostphere to be less cold. This may be the reason why people choose it as Christmas cake. Let’s find out the funny stories
A story about ginger house:
The ginger cookies have a variety of Christmas colors and shapes. Specially like shape of person, heart, snow, reindeer, house, and train, etc. People-shape and house-shape ginger cookies are 2 most common in Noel
Some historical researchers say that the house gingerbread appears in century 19. The bread is based on a detail in Grimm fairy tales.
In the story, there are some details that an abandoned girl and boy in the forest are going to faint because of hungry. And then, they see a beautiful bread house of Witches. It is the house that inspires the baker to get creative and create the gingerbread. Gradually, house gingerbread is becoming more common in Geman Christmas.
After that, Germany immigrants brought house gingerbread to America. And they became more common in America.

A story about man gingerbread:
The first man gingerbread is made as the Queen Elizabeth’s requirements. She want to give her foreign guests a special gift. And the first man gingerbread with red ribbon around borned. In century 17, man gingerbread is available all around United Kingdom.
After entering into America, almost of children favoured the man gingerbread. Even, there is a story named “ A boy gingerbread “ is inspired by this cake and published in 1875.

3. The variations of gingerbread:
Experiencing the running of time and access to different cultures, the bread with ginger has had different variations.
For England, it can be a cake, or a cookie made of ginger. In the north of England, soft gingerbread with oatmeal and honey is very popular.
About US, popular is gingerbread and ginger biscuits.
In Belgium and the Netherlands, people commonly use pale and soft one for breakfast. So, they use the hard one at Christmas.
Similarly, in Germany, there are two forms: one soft and one hard. The soft form is used daily and the hard form is used for carnivals and Christmas festivals.
In Russia, the indigrents for bread with ginger include rye flour, honey, sugar, butter, eggs and some spices.
Furthermore, In Vietnam, there are also gingerbread. It is a dish of the Khmer. They use cakes for holidays like Chol Chnam Thmay (happy new year), Ok Om Bok (moon worshiping ceremony) …
Compared to Western bread, Vietnamese bread has very different ingredients. Mainly made by glutinous flour, cuttlefish meal, fresh lemon juice, white sand sugar and chicken eggs. It is very crispy, has a fatty taste of eggs and the sweetness of sugar.
Too, during festive days, cakes are pinned into bamboo sticks. Then, people plugged it around a round wooden or clay cylinder. Next, decorated with colorful patterns with colored paper and brought to the altar display.

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